Tummy tuck surgery is a plastic and cosmetic application made for correcting the deformities that occurred due to drooping and excessive fat deposition in the abdominal region. The intense saggy look seen both women and men, can need abdomen tightening operation. Abdominoplasty is an aesthetic operation recommended to those who frequently lose and gain weight and who cannot get rid of the stubborn fats in their abdominal region.
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What is Tummy Tuck?
Also known as abdominoplasty operation, tummy tuck operation is made for wrapping up the belly that dropped down after giving birth and due to losing and gaining weight excessively. Because of weight-loss, skin and muscles in the abdominal region cannot easily regain their form. Deformation occurs in the abdominal skin. Saggy skin leads to an undesirable look. Thanks to abdominoplasty, loosened connective tissue in the abdominal wall is repaired and drooping and stretch marks are removed. This loosened and saggy look that cannot be solved with exercise and diet is eliminated and loosened skin treatment is completed within one day, thanks to abdominoplasty.
What is mini abdominoplasty?
Mini abdominoplasty is the operation that only addresses the region below the belly and tummy button. It is recommended for mid-level fat deposition and loosening in the lower belly by vaser liposuction. Full abdomen tightening operation, on the other hand, is applied for loosening, stretch marks and excessive fat deposition covering the belly button. It must be the specialist physician to decide to apply mini abdominoplasty or a full one. Post-mini abdominoplasty recovery is faster. You will need to rest at home only for 2-3 days.
MD. Leyla Arvas

Dr. Leyla Arvas was graduated from Istanbul University Medical Faculty in 1998 and started her Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery specialization. During her educational period she worked in well-known clinics and hospitals in different countries. Click for more ..
Post-operative recovery process
When you watch a tummy tuck operation, you see how a great change it brings. After the 3-hour operation, the patient will have a slimmer, flat and perfect look. When combined with a fat removal operation by vaser liposuction, abdominoplasty creates a younger and fitter look in the patient’s entire body. You can get back to your home two days after the tummy tuck operation. You can carefully have a shower after the 3rd day following the operation. We recommend you to rest at home for the first one week or 10 days. After the 7th day, you can start to work. You should wear the corset recommended by your physician for the first one month to allow your body to get well shaped. Wearing a corset after the abdominoplasty operation makes your body shape fit better. It would take 2-3 months for your edema to completely disappear and you to gain your new body shape.
Who are good candidates for abdominoplasty?
Tummy tuck operation is made for treating deformations occurring in the abdominal wall and muscles. Loosening, stretch marks, drooping and saggy look makes all men and women unhappy. To get rid of that look, you can have an abdomen tightening operation. If you are planning to have another child, we recommend you to postpone the abdomen tightening operation after that.
Abdominoplasty operation is recommended to those who have loosening due to excess weight gains and losses and patients who want to get rid of the droopy look seen after fat removal. As a pretty common application today, prices of abdominoplasty may vary depending on the operation method and patient’s needs.
How is abdominoplasty applied?
For abdominoplasty, the patient’s needs should be identified at first. It is checked whether the patient needs a fat removal operation. Depending on the degree of loosening fat deposition in the abdominal region, it is decided to make a full abdominoplasty or mini abdominoplasty. At this stage, Op. Dr. Leyla Arvas, who is the best aesthetic surgery specialist, will make the most adequate decision for you. In the abdominoplasty operation, an incision towards sides that looks like a cesarean scar is made. Because this incision extends to the belly button, the belly button will be cut and redesigned for the patient’s body, in full abdominoplasty. Excess fat in the patient’s belly is removed with the method vaser liposuction and the excess skin is cut out. Loosened abdominal muscles and abdominal wall are strengthened, and the remaining skin is sutured back to be tighter. In mini abdominoplasty, on the other hand, only a mini operation is made without touching the patient’s belly button, and the patient’s abdominal skin is made tighter and flatter.
Can one get pregnant after mini abdominoplasty?
You can get pregnant after mini abdominoplasty. We recommend you to wait for 10 months to 1 year for complete recovery of the surgical scars and for the abdominal region to gain its form. At the end of this period, there will be nothing to prevent you from getting pregnant. Those who had a mini abdominoplasty can see deformations again in their lower belly after getting pregnant. Therefore, we recommend women who plan to get pregnant to have an abdominoplasty after doing so.
Can one get pregnant after full abdominoplasty?
You can get pregnant after full abdominoplasty. Full abdominoplasty is a surgical operation that leaves an overall scar like cesarean in the abdominal region. Therefore, that scar and sutures must have completely recovered for you to get pregnant.
We recommend women who want to have an abdominoplasty after getting pregnant to wait for one year. One year will be enough for the body to pull itself together and for abdominal muscles to regain their former form, after pregnancy. After one year, you can have an abdomen tightening operation.
What is the most suitable time for having an abdominoplasty?
We recommend you to have the abdominoplasty at the end of your weight losing process or at the end of your birth planning. Because getting pregnant again or gaining weight after the tummy tuck operation will affect the connective tissues in the abdominal region, abdominal wall and abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty does not prevent gaining weight or loosening. Therefore, if you are on a diet, you need to have an abdominoplasty to get rid of remaining fats at the last stage and make loosened abdomen look more aesthetic.
Is liposuction applied in abdominoplasty?
In abdominoplasty, liposuction may be applied depending on the amount of the fat in the patient’s body. If the fat deposition in the patient’s abdominal region is not suitable for abdominoplasty, liposuction is applied to give him/her a flatter belly. However, abdominoplasty should not be considered as a slimming method. Abdominoplasty is applied at the end of the diet program, for the purpose of treating loosened abdominal skin occurred due to gaining excessive weight or pregnancy.
Can abdominoplasty be applied for the second time?
Loosened belly can be seen again in those who gain weight again or get pregnant after abdominoplasty. Abdominoplasty can be applied again, depending on the need. We recommend an at least one-year interval between two abdominoplasty procedures. It must be noted that if liposuction is to be applied in the second abdominoplasty, fat removal may not be as intense as in the first one. Because blood circulation in a region from where fat is removed with liposuction may be lower than normal. Because it may be risky to apply liposuction to that region again, intense fat removal is not made.
What kind of scars does tummy tuck operation leave?
Abdominoplasty scar may vary depending on the operation technique. In the full abdominoplasty, an incision scar below the belly button towards the sides is left. Surgical scar is not visible at the beach, as it is hidden underneath the underwear. On the other hand, mini abdominoplasty scars are far more minimal. Only tiny incision scars are seen at sides. Surgical scar is pink at first, and as it will turn white over time, its visibility will reduce.
Is non-surgical abdomen tightening possible?
Non-surgical abdomen tightening is not possible. Slimming and tightening applications using radio frequencies bring less minimal results. Muscles below the abdomen are tightened. However, completely tightening the loosened skin and obtaining a flat belly is so difficult, if not impossible. Tightening with exercising and diet is possible, but deformed skin does not tighten with exercising.
With which operations is abdominoplasty combined?
The other applications such as liposuction, leg tightening, breast applications may be combined with abdominoplasty. Combined operations not only are more economic, but also allow the patient to obtain multiple effects with a single procedure. Now it is in your power to create a more radical change by combining abdominoplasty with the other applications with the specialist physician’s recommendation.
How much does abdominoplasty cost?
Prices of body shaping operations may vary depending on what the operation includes. It is not legal to share abdominoplasty prices on our Ministry of Health accredited website. You can dial +90 0212 241 46 24 to learn abdominal fat removal prices.